Since the Garden began in 2000, efforts have been made to increase the number of existing species in it. Following a scientific criterion, the plants have been located in those…

It collaborates closely with the University of Almería providing plant material for its identification and study in the Herbarium attached to the Botanical Area. Seedlings of different plant species are…

The garden receives annually more than 6000 visitors of all ages and different nationalities. Directly and indirectly, a great informative work is done through free visits, through identifying and informative…

The Almunya del Sur is a collaborating entity of the Ministry of agriculture, livestock, fisheries and sustainable development in the field of wild flora and fauna of the Junta…

Training in botany, landscaping, and the environment is carried out through visits by schoolchildren from different kindergarten and primary cycles in the province of Almería. The Garden has signed several…

The Garden has great potential to carry out a myriad of activities. Leisure and Free Time Workshops. Activities related to gardening, horticulture, etc., and others such as healthy cooking…